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How quickly will you process my order?
All orders are usually processed within the hour (most often immediately.)  Notifications of ALL orders placed are immediately sent to Phytoextractum employees in order to ensure that your order gets the attention it deserves, regardless of time of day.  This way if someone is not on hand, they will be shortly.

Why do you not have a forum or message board?
Phytoextractum has opted not to include a message board on our site as we find that many of these that appear elsewhere on the web tend to be somewhat biased when both owned and operated by the same folks selling the products these boards are out to discuss.  In all fairness to our clients, ourselves, and especially to research, we prefer that our customers seek out their data from an informational resource entirely unrelated from the product's merchant.

Is the product pictured the same product I'll receive?
Yes, and well, no.  While the product you'll receive is not the exact same product in the picture, all of our products are examined and inspected on arrival or before shipment.  If our photos differ in color or consistency, we immediately update them to reflect the product we actually sell.  This is a Phytoextractum guarantee.

I'd like to see a product; will you carry it if I suggest it?
We'll certainly consider it!  Simply use our contact form and send on a message to our Research & Development department.  We'll get back to you within 24 hours with what we've found out about your request and whether or not we can carry it.  We encourage new research and novel information and we're happy to do all we can in order to further new studies.

Do you offer your products in bulk?
Yes, we offer bulk pricing on many of our products.  Use our contact form, sending on a message to our Bulk Product & Pricing department.

What's your return policy?
While our return policy can be found here, the short of it is that we're willing to accept almost any package, unopened and untampered, within five (5) days of delivery date.  If you find that your product is inadequate or not what you expected, we're certainly willing to do what it takes in order to retain your business.  Simply get in touch with us via our contact form and send on a mail to our Shipping & Returns department.  We'll return your message within 24 hours.

Do you guarantee the quality of your products?
Phytoextractum makes no claim as to the use of our products, and so making a guarantee on the quality places us in a difficult position, depending on your definition.  What we can tell you is that Phytoextractum products are of the highest possible quality in terms of color, weight, consistency, humidity, and supply.  The products we carry and the stock we maintain are all carefully stored and cared for, you'll be hard-pressed to find a more precise and consistent supplier.

I'd like to place an order with you, but not online.  Is this possible?
Sorry, no.

Who is your preferred courier?
While Phytoextractum offers both the shipping services of UPS and USPS, we've had the best luck with UPS.  This isn't to say that we've had a negative experience in using USPS, however the shipping tools and rates provided by UPS go a long way in adding convenience and velocity to our own processes.  

We've also had more than one customer tell us that their order placed with USPS Priority Shipping arrived in the same amount of time as their previous Express order.  While we're not making any claims that this will be the case for you, we certainly thought it to be useful information.

Do you ship discretely?
If you indicate so in the comment field of your order, we'll certainly do what we can.  Otherwise, all products shipped from Phytoextractum are labeled (and billed) as such, packaged in materials provided by the courier and with a return address reflecting "Shipping Department."

Will you carry a link to my site?
Phytoextractum is all for the promotion of similar and related interests.  If you think your site may fit in with others listed on our reciprocal links page, use our contact form and send on a message to our 'Meta and Technical' department, complete with your site link and info (don't forgot the URL to where you've posted our link in return) and we'll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

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White Gold Liquid Kratom Extract
White Gold Liquid Kratom Extract
TROPICAL150 Nano Liquid Kratom Extract
TROPICAL150 Nano Liquid Kratom Extract

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