Phytoextractum – Resources

Kratom for the Holidays: Great Gifts For Kratom Lovers

blue gift box silver bow

Every year, planning out what you are going to buy for your friends and family can be very stressful. It can even be stressful to be asked what you want for Christmas because you then need to come up with a list for yourself, too!

Here at Phytoextractum, we want to help make the holidays a little bit easier this year. If you like kratom and want to ask for some kratom-related gifts or perhaps you have a few friends that use kratom, we are here to help.

Our complete list today is going to be focused on kratom gift ideas for the winter holidays or any time! Hopefully, we’ll help you find the inspiration that you’ve been searching for.

1: Kitchen Scale

The first item that you might want to consider getting for a friend that loves kratom is a digital kitchen scale. Having a scale on hand is a great way to ensure that every serving of kratom is the same and accurate. When consistency is key, a scale is a necessity.

Plus, a kitchen scale can be used for more than just kratom! While it is incredibly useful for measuring out servings, it can also be useful for baking, portioning meals, and much more. You can even use a kitchen scale to help figure out postage for any packages or letters that you need to mail out.

A lot of people won’t want to invest in a kitchen scale for themselves, so buying one for a friend that is interested in kratom is a great way to treat them to something super special!

2: Capsule Prepping Kit

If you know a bit more about how your friend takes their kratom, you might be able to get them a specialized kit to help with their kratom consumption. Many people use kratom in capsule form, but buying pre-made capsules is usually much more expensive than it is to make your own capsules. 

To help your friend save a bit of money and take control of their specific servings, you can set them up with a capsule prepping kit. Try including the following items:

With these tools, your friend will be able to easily and efficiently fill up their own capsules. Some people might already do this, but few will have the full capsule making tool that makes it quick and easy. Gifting this to your friend gifts them a lot of convenience.


3: Flavor Set

Does your friend make their own kratom tea? Do they mix kratom liquids or tea concentrates into other beverages? If so, you might want to consider gifting them a kit of various things to make these drinks taste better!

It’s no secret that kratom tea isn’t the best-tasting thing out there. In fact, it can be pretty hard to get down for some. Finding ways to flavor tea is key, so why not put together a basket of fun flavors that they can use on their next concoction?

Try using some of the following items in your flavor gift basket to help them flavor their tea:

All of these items are very easy to add to kratom tea to improve the flavor. Often, kratom users just get used to the rough taste, but they don’t need to if you can gift them something lovely to enjoy it with!

4: Tea Supplies

If you think that your friend prefers to keep things classic, you can still gift them some items to help with their kratom tea production. Making tea requires a number of tools to make sure you get a clean, filtered final product.

Consider purchasing any of the following items for your kratom-loving friend:

One of the coolest things about gifting a friend some of these tea-making supplies is that they can use them to make other types of tea as well. It is, after all, possible to enjoy other types of tea besides kratom tea!

5: Apparel

This idea won’t work for everyone, but there are some people out there that just can’t get enough ball caps, themed hoodies, and customized T-shirts. Believe it or not, there are some organizations that sell kratom apparel. Any local shop that your friend likes to buy their kratom from might have some apparel, too!

This type of gift is best for the type of friend that enjoys showing their public support for kratom. Not everyone feels confident enough to rock this type of apparel, and that’s okay. Consider your friend’s personality before you commit to this type of gift.

6: Donation

Does your friend support any Kratom-focused nonprofits, such as the American Kratom Association? Are they concerned about the risk of kratom becoming an illegal substance in the US? If so, you may want to consider gifting them something a little out of the box: a donation!

By donating to kratom research and support organizations in your friend’s name, you’ll be helping them support the future of a botanical they love to use. And that is a great gift for any occasion!

7: Storage System

If the friend that you are searching for a gift for is a prolific kratom user or a veteran user that loves to rotate which strain they are using, the chances are pretty high that they have a large shelf for all their kratom products.

Have you ever seen this shelf? Is it organized, or is it a complete mess? 

If your friend hasn’t quite figured out how to keep all their kratom stored yet, you might want to consider purchasing some storage containers for them. Kratom leaves and powder are best stored in dark, air-tight containers where heat, air, and sunlight cannot affect them.

We love dark-colored glass containers as the best Kratom storage type. Purchasing a few jars or containers like that for your friend will help them get organized!